Thursday, April 8, 2010

NS Day 10 (I know...days 5-9 are conspicuously missing)

At the risk of becoming mundane with the Lost references (mostly these occur in my other blog, but I know all my loyalest readers avidly follow both)...anyway, when Daniel Faraday explains time travel he talks about a record skipping (yes - this reference is only meaningful to readers over the age of 35...I realize I'm dating myself and sounding ridiculously unhip all at the same time!)...anyway, that record skipping thing describes my weightloss travails pretty well. It's like I'm moving along so nicely - the song is just getting to the chorus when --- all of a sudden --- I've jumped back a verse and I'm hearing (seeing, smelling, eating) some of those once-lost pounds all over again.
So I'm dusting off the record and hoping I can make it past that part of the song that I've already played.

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written, great metaphor!!! you are so talented!
